Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce that the 42nd edition of the Dynamics Days conference will take place January 8-10, 2024 in Davis, California. Dynamics Days is an international conference focused on nonlinear dynamics, chaos, and their applications. Dynamics Days 2024 will showcase research areas including fusion ignition, machine learning, AI, ecology, neuroscience, social science, and health informatics. We invite submissions for contributed talks and poster presentations in the broad areas of nonlinear dynamics, chaos, and their applications. The submission deadline is Nov 10th, 2023. The anticipated notification deadline is Nov 20th, and the reduced rate early bird registration will end on Nov 30, 2023.
For details see:
Participants ranging from graduate students and postdocs to senior researchers and faculty members will have the opportunity to discuss and present their results. In particular, younger participants will gain a broad perspective of interdisciplinary research, and have the opportunity to interact with leading researchers in the field. The participation of underrepresented groups is encouraged.
Best wishes,
The DDays 2024 organizing committee:
Korana Burke
Raissa D'Souza
Paul Hurtado
Guram Mikaberidze