DSWeb congratulates the recipients of the APS 2019 prizes and awards. The full list of prize recipients is available from the APS press release. We highlight the following scientists, whose work is related to dynamical systems.
Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics
“For profound contributions to the field of exactly solvable models in statistical mechanics and many body physics, in particular the construction of the widely studied Gaudin magnet and the Calogero-Sutherland, Shastry-Sutherland, and Calogero-Moser models."
Leo P. Kadanoff Prize
"For original contributions to equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, including profound work on equilibrium and driven vortex systems, and fundamental research and leadership in the growing field of active matter."
Irving Langmuir Prize in Chemical Physics
"For the development of analytical and computational approaches to soft-matter systems and their application to the transitional behavior of supercooled fluids and glasses, folding dynamics of protein and RNA biopolymers, and functioning of molecular motors."
Maria Goeppert Mayer Award
"For contributions to theoretical astrophysics, in particular, the use of numerical hydrodynamic simulations compared with observations to elucidate the essential physics of galaxy formation."
Lars Onsager Prize
“For seminal contributions to non-equilibrium thermodynamics and statistical mechanics that have had remarkable impact on experimental research in single-molecule and biological physics; of particular import is a celebrated exact relationship between the work expended in rapid out-of-equilibrium transformations and the free energy differences between the equilibrium initial and final states, engendering whole new fields of theoretical, numerical, and laboratory research, as well as groundbreaking work on the thermodynamics of small systems.”