How Do Snakes Slither? A Recipe for Reptation

How Do Snakes Slither? A Recipe for Reptation

Mark Levi develops a "dynamical recipe for reptation" by analyzing the physics of slithering snakes.

Nonlinear Dynamical Uncertainty Quantification for Random Differential Equations

Nonlinear Dynamical Uncertainty Quantification for Random Differential Equations

Kerstin Lux from the Technical University of Munich discusses a new article she co-authored in SIADS on extending bifurcation analysis to random differential equations.

Professional Feature - Mary Silber

Professional Feature - Mary Silber

Mary Silber is the Director of the Committee on Computational and Applied Mathematics and a Professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Chicago.

Recently Published Books in Dynamical Systems

Recently Published Books in Dynamical Systems

Here is a list of some of the recently published books in dynamical systems. Should you be interested in reviewing one of these, or any other book that you think would be useful, please contact the book reviews editor (James Meiss; jdm (at)

Understanding Sensory Induced Hallucinations

Understanding Sensory Induced Hallucinations

Rachel Nicks explains how visual hallucinations can emerge as spatiotemporal dynamics of neuronal networks described by amplitude equations.

Dynamics-based Machine Learning for Nonlinearizable Phenomena

Dynamics-based Machine Learning for Nonlinearizable Phenomena

Haller and colleagues demonstrate how dynamics-based machine learning can be used to construct accurate and predictive reduced-order models from data.

Professional Feature - Ann Almgren

Professional Feature - Ann Almgren

Ann Almgren is a Senior Scientist in the Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and the Department Head of Applied Mathematics in the Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division.

Spiral Waves in Oscillatory Media with Nonlocal Coupling

Spiral Waves in Oscillatory Media with Nonlocal Coupling

Gabriela Jaramillo from the University of Houston demonstrates, for a general oscillatory model with nonlocal coupling, the existence of spiral waves by first deriving an amplitude equation, then using the methods of multiple scales to identify terms in the spiral wave solutions to multiple orders, and finally numerically showing how nonlocal interactions shape the spirals.

Wanted: Minitutorial Proposals for DS23

Wanted: Minitutorial Proposals for DS23

SIAM is looking for minitutorial proposals from the DS community.
