Math in the Twenty First Century

Math in the Twenty First Century

Carson Chow comments on the past and potential future impact of technology on mathematics.

SIAM conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems 2011: Impressions from Snowbird

SIAM conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems 2011: Impressions from Snowbird

The biannual SIAM `Snowbird' Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems was held May 22 - 26, 2011 in Snowbird, Utah, outside of Salt Lake City. Steve Schecter gives his impressions.

Klaus Kirchgässner passed away

Klaus Kirchgässner passed away

On Saturday July 9, 2011 we lost our dear colleague Klaus Kirchgässner.
He will be sadly missed.

SIAM/DS `Snowbird' conference 2011: formal report

SIAM/DS `Snowbird' conference 2011: formal report

Some figures from the `Snowbird' conference, and summaries of SIAM's conference survey and the DSWeb board meeting.
What are your thoughts on the future of this conference?

Hamiltonian Dynamics and Celestial Mechanics: A Conference in Honor of Ken Meyer in his 75th Year

Hamiltonian Dynamics and Celestial Mechanics: A Conference in Honor of Ken Meyer in his 75th Year

From May 30 to June 3, 2011 a special conference on Hamiltonian dynamics and celestial mechanics was held in Castro Urdiales, Spain, in honor of Professor Kenneth R. Meyer. H.S. Dumas reports.

SIAM/DS `Snowbird' conference 2011: the prize winners

SIAM/DS `Snowbird' conference 2011: the prize winners

The Crawford prize, Jürgen Moser lecture, and red sock poster awards.

Massively Multiplayer Mathematics

Massively Multiplayer Mathematics

Although theorems are frequently named after a single person, most progress in mathematics is the result of a group effort. Recently several difficult problems in mathematics have been attacked by a collective of mathematicians that have communicated through online blogs. The immediacy of this mode of communication allowed the first proposed problem to be cracked in a surprisingly short time. Will this remain an isolated approach, or can we expect that hard mathematical problems will be regularly crowdsourced in the future?



This week we celebrate the 33rd birthday of spam. According to leaders in the industry virus protection and email filtering, over 90% of email traffic is taken up by spam these days. Over 99% of this 90% is no more than annoying, but there is a small portion that targets us, applied mathematicians...

Dynamics of planar fluids: Gene Wayne in the AMS Notices and some links to resources

Dynamics of planar fluids: Gene Wayne in the AMS Notices and some links to resources

Links to Gene Wayne's article in this month's Notices of the AMS and some online resources on the topic.
