

Tradition wants it that we spend several years abroad as postdocs after finishing our PhD, and look for more permanent positions across the globe. This often leads to issues collectively known as "n-body problems" - where n>1. Your Portal-Editor-in-Chief ups the ante by becoming father while moving down under.

IUTAM Symposium on 50 Years of Chaos in Kyoto

IUTAM Symposium on 50 Years of Chaos in Kyoto

On November 27, 1961, Yoshisuke Ueda, then a graduate student in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Kyoto University, accidentally observed a "randomly transitional phenomenon", now commonly known as "chaos". Fifty years later and approximately 150 meters from the site of Ueda's discovery, the IUTAM Symposium on 50 Years of Chaos: Applied and Theoretical ws held. Jeff Moehlis reports.

Publication price and value

Publication price and value

The Elsevier boycott call has opened another round in the debate on subscription costs, publisher profit and open access. Let's have a peek.
The spring editorial by former Editor-in-Chief Jens Rademacher.

Photos from  Dynamics Days 2012

Photos from Dynamics Days 2012

The Dynamics Days 2012 conference in Baltimore included a celebration of Ed Ott's 70th birthday. Ernie Barreto lets the pictures speak for themselves.

Death Knell for the Lecture (and Conference)?

Death Knell for the Lecture (and Conference)?

Will scientific meetings and lectures move online in the near future? Editorial by Krešimir Josić

SIAG/DS election results

SIAG/DS election results

We introduce the SIAG/DS team for 2012/2013 and thank those who participated in the elections.

The Dynamical Systems Track at ICIAM 2011 in Vancouver

The Dynamical Systems Track at ICIAM 2011 in Vancouver

In July of 2011, the semi-annual ICIAM took place in Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada. As part of the mathematical program of ICIAM, the SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems sponsored a track of minisymposia. Evelyn Sander describes some highlights.

Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates: (Super)fluids with a twist

Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates: (Super)fluids with a twist

P.G. Kevrekidis, R. Carretero-González and D.J. Frantzeskakis showcase some recent experimental and theoretical work in the coldest temperatures in the universe involving vortices in the newest state of matter: the atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. The remarkable feature that these experiments and associated analysis illustrate is a new kind of ``classical mechanics'' for vortices, which revisits the integrability of the two-body system and opens up exciting extensions for N-body generalizations thereof.
