Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity

Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity

In the week of February 19-23, 2007, a workshop was held in Puebla, Mexico on "Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity". The workshop brought together physicists and applied mathematicians working in nonlinear dynamics and related complex systems. Mike Henderson (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center) was there and reports on the meeting.

6th Crimean School and Workshops on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Applications

6th Crimean School and Workshops on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Applications

Report on the meeting "Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Applications" held at Hotel Mellas in Crimea, Ukraine on 15-26 May 2006.

Dynamical Systems Weekend

Dynamical Systems Weekend

A dynamical systems conference was held in Columbia, Missouri during 19-21 May 2006 in honor of Carmen Chicone's 60th birthday.

ICMC Summer Meeting in Differential Equations

ICMC Summer Meeting in Differential Equations

The tenth ICMC Summer Meeting in Differential Equations, held February 20-22 at the Universidade de São Paulo at São Carlos, Brazil, commemorated Dan Henry in recognition of the great scientific influence that his work has had on infinite-dimensional dynamical systems.

New Faces Lead SIAG/DS

New Faces Lead SIAG/DS

The SIAM Activity Group in Dynamical Systems held its elections in November 2005 and newly elected officers and advisory board members have started their two-year terms. Here we introduce the new SIAG/DS team and already give preliminary information about Snowbird 2007! Thanks to those who participated in last fall's elections.

Fifth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference

Fifth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference

A report on the fifth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference that was held 8-12 August 2005 at the Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands.

DSWeb Tutorials Competition

DSWeb Tutorials Competition

The DSWeb Tutorials Section held a contest for graduate students for the first time this year. Entrants submitted multimedia documents explaining both elementary and advanced concepts in dynamical systems.

SIAM Conference on Applied Dynamical Systems

SIAM Conference on Applied Dynamical Systems

The SIAM Conference on Applied Dynamical Systems took place from 22-26 May 2005. This is arguably one of the broadest and most important meetings for mathematicians, engineers and scientists interested in nonlinear dynamics and its interdisciplinary applications.



The Coupled 60 workshop was held at the University of Houston, February 3-6, 2005. The workshop was devoted to the dynamics, classification, and applications of coupled systems, but simultaneously offered an opportunity to mark the 60th birthdays of five participants: Mike Field, Marty Golubitsky, John Guckenheimer, Phil Holmes, and Ian Stewart.
